Apply Online

Please complete the following fields and click the Apply button at the bottom of the page. If you have any questions, please email the Team.

Job information

Health Care manager
Ministry of the Solicitor General
Job id
Apply by
February 25, 2025

Personal information

(if Ontario government employee)

Provide your email address to receive email confirmation that your resume has been received.

Submit your cover letter and resume in one document. Only one attachment per application is accepted. Your cover letter and resume combined should not exceed five (5) pages unless otherwise stated.

Use the “Choose file” button below to locate your cover letter / resume file on your computer. Your cover letter and resume must be submitted in one document; only one attachment per application is accepted. If you apply more than once to the same competition, only your most recent submission will be evaluated.

Your file must be in MS Word (.doc, .docx), PDF (.pdf), Rich Text (.rtf) or Plain Text (.txt) format, less than 1MB in size and must not be password protected.

No file chosen

Additional question(s)

Read and confirm

The Ontario Public Service may use the information I provide for this competition and the results of this competition to consider me for future vacancies and/or other positions. For roles represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) or the Association of Management, Administrative and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario (AMAPCEO), I also understand that my name may be shared with the respective OPSEU or AMAPCEO representatives.

Please check the box to confirm you understand and agree.

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Information collection notice

We are collecting your personal information to assess how well you meet the qualifications for employment with the Ontario Public Service, and for related recruitment purposes. The collection of personal information is necessary to the proper administration of OPS Careers, which is an authorized common service in accordance with s. 6 of the Ministry of Government Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.25.

Please do not include any more personal information than is needed for your application (for example, do not include your photograph or social insurance number).

If you have any questions about how your information is collected, used, shared or saved, please contact us.

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