Veterans' Job Alert Subscription Service

One employer, thousands of opportunities!

The Ontario government is committed to supporting Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans by making it easier for you to access Ontario Public Service (OPS) employment opportunities. The OPS offers great opportunities to continue your career in public service.

Tell us about the type of career you’re looking for and we’ll do the searching for you. If you are interested in learning more about the career opportunities available with the OPS, including internal (“restricted”) competitions for non-represented (i.e. non-unionized) jobs, sign up today for our job alert subscription service for CAF Veterans below.

You will receive email notifications of new job postings that match your preferences based on the criteria you provide when you register online. Job alert notifications will be sent only when a job posting matches the criteria you have selected. If you wish to apply to a position, you may simply click on the hyperlink provided in your alert email notification, which will redirect you to the job posting on the OPS careers website.

This exclusive job alert subscription service is only accessible to Veterans. If you know of any CAF Veterans who are interested in seeking employment with the OPS, please encourage them to register for this job alert.

Please note, if you apply to an OPS job and self-identify as a CAF Veteran, you will be required to provide proof of status during the recruitment process (i.e., Veterans Service Card ND1 75 or Certificate of Service).

Contact Information:
Your personal information is being collected under the authority of the Ministry of Government Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M. 35, s. 6(a) and the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 35, Schedule A, s. 32(1).

The personal information you supply will be used to provide you with notices of employment opportunities within the Ontario Public Service via the job alert subscription service. Your personal information will also be used to provide the Ontario Public Service with statistical information regarding the usage of the Careers Job Alert Service. Should you have any questions with respect to your personal information you can Contact Us for someone who can answer questions with respect to the use of personal information for the Job Alert Service.

Mandatory information is identified with an asterisk

Alert Criteria:
You will receive job alert notifications only when there is a job advertisement posted that matches the criteria you select below. To select multiple regions or job categories, hold down your Ctrl key while you click your mouse. Please double-check your selection before submitting.

Please tell us how you first heard about this job alert subscription service:

Please Note: You will be required to provide proof of Veteran status (Veteran Status Card or Certificate of Service) during the recruitment process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if I have successfully registered for the new job alert subscription service for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans?

    Once you have successfully registered for the new job alert subscription service for CAF Veterans, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address provided when you subscribed for the job alerts.

  • How often will I receive job alerts for positions that may be of interest to me?

    You will only receive alerts for job postings that match the preferences you indicated when you first registered for the service. You can receive up to one job alert email per day. If multiple jobs that match your preferences are posted in one day, your job alert email for that day may contain multiple job advertisements.

  • How do I access internal (“restricted”) competitions for non-represented (i.e. non-unionized) positions with the Ontario Public Service?

    Once you have registered to receive job alerts, you will be notified when job postings become available that match your preferences, based on the criteria you provide when you register online. The email alerts you receive will contain links to relevant job postings, which will redirect you to the advertisement on the Ontario careers website where you can submit your application online.

  • How do I apply to internal (“restricted”) competitions for non-represented (i.e. non-unionized) positions with the Ontario Public Service?

    If you receive a job alert for a position you are interested in applying to, use the link provided in the alert email to access the job posting on the Ontario careers website. Submit your application through the job posting unless otherwise indicated. Be sure to include your resume and cover letter in your application, which highlights how your knowledge, experience and skills make you the best candidate for the role. You are encouraged to review the Resume Writing Guide to learn about tips, tools and resources available to assist with your application preparation.

  • How do I self-identify as a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veteran in the application process?

    When you are submitting your application for a restricted (non-represented) job posting which you accessed using the CAF Veterans’ job alert subscription service, you will be prompted to indicate whether you are a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces who successfully underwent basic training and is honourably discharged.

You can update or cancel your subscription at any time via the job alert emails that will be provided. If you require technical assistance, please Contact Us.

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