More Information

It is our goal to provide a balanced overview of the position, including the unique aspects of the job. This supplementary information complements the job ad and job spec. We believe this will better equip you to be able to make an informed decision to apply, and in turn helps us to hire the person who understands, accepts and is motivated to perform all aspects of the job.

Position Title:
Divisional Finance Coordinator
Job Code:
AMAPCEO - Finance05, 5A001
Job ID:


There are four acceptable levels of French proficiency: Advanced-Minus, Advanced, Advanced-Plus and Superior.

Advanced and Advanced-Minus (typically: inspectors, employment consultants): able to carry regular conversations in French, deal with work-related requirements, participate in meetings and group discussions, and write straightforward letters and reports.

Superior and Advanced-Plus (typically: information officers, policy advisors, program officers, communicators, issue coordinators or policy analysts): able to handle complex and potentially sensitive discussions with key Francophone stakeholders, write complex documents such as sensitive letters, speeches, media releases or activity reports.

NOTE: You will be required to undergo French proficiency testing.

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