More Information

It is our goal to provide a balanced overview of the position, including the unique aspects of the job. This supplementary information complements the job ad and job spec. We believe this will better equip you to be able to make an informed decision to apply, and in turn helps us to hire the person who understands, accepts and is motivated to perform all aspects of the job.

Position Title:
Job Code:
SEFPO - Vérificateur, normes d'emploi 2, 05523
Job ID:

Brief Overview Of Job Duties:

Officers investigate complaints, conduct workplace inspections, deliver presentations to stakeholders, develop crown briefs and deal with many other different type of activities. Officers may be exposed to seasonal weather conditions.


They may also be required to visit the head office or other location of a company where the work environment will be business-like and professional. While conducting investigations or resolving disputes, the Officer may need to deal with irate, distraught or hostile people, but has the option to withdraw from situations with potential physical violence. Officers may also spend time in a courtroom or formal hearing room environment. Officers work autonomously, under general supervision. The work is self-paced, with a moderate but steady level of urgency. Officers will also experience competing demands for their time and information. Officers will need to balance the need to focus on the job at hand with the need to keep their manager and senior management informed about serious and high profile events.

Hours of Work:

Hours of work are governed by the collective agreement.

The normal hours of work for this position is 36-1/4 hours per week with a requirement to be available for 7.25 hour work periods during weekdays. Please note that regular work would include non-traditional hours of work with some evenings and weekends; such as 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Compensation will be provided in accordance with the employer`s policies and entitlements under the OPSEU collective agreement.


Is only required when pre-authorized by management.

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