Job Specification
Position Title:
Job Code:
05513 - Community Development Officer 3
Purpose of Position :
To lead program planning development, and evaluation of provincial programs and initiatives for the arts, library, heritage (land use planning and archaeology), and cultural industries sectors and organizations across the Province. To work with branch colleagues on developing and implementing plans for new programs and initiatives.
Duties / Responsibilities :
1. Leads the planning and evaluation of a range of program initiatives including development of standards, guidelines and program criteria, funding formula, program, strategic and operational plans and working with branch colleagues in roll out and implementation plans. Ensures consideration to government business plans, broad program, policy, strategic and stewardship directions impacting a diverse range of provincial organizations, cultural sectors and stakeholders.
2. Provides ongoing liaison and develops partnerships between the Ministry, national and provincial cultural organizations and other levels of government to engage partners in program development, manage key business relationships, assess needs and provide technical and advisory services to key and critical partners and stakeholders in the library, heritage, arts and cultural industries sectors.
3. Provides professional consulting services and expert advice in business development to promote and market the growth of cultural organizations in Ontario and to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the sector and optimum business methods to enhance their success.
4. Leads/coordinates concurrent project and/or work teams comprised of branch/division/ministry colleagues, ministry stakeholders, other ministries and stakeholders. Oversees collaborative working groups, facilitates project stages and activities, monitors project progress, negotiation, problem resolution and review and takes appropriate steps to ensure high standards are met by project team.
5. Conducts the design, development and implementation of customized and standardized education, training and outreach programs on new initiatives to ensure standardization in program delivery, facilitate knowledge mobilization across the Province including working with regional and program services delivery advisors to support capacity building.
6. Develops, evaluates and reports on performance measures in order to track inputs, outputs (e.g. goals, services and activities produced), outcomes (actual economic and other impact of programs).
7. Conducts the review and analysis of formal and informal research findings, cross-jurisdictional experience, trends and models, reports, environmental scans, surveys and trade association documents as they relate to program plan development and implementation Develops recommendations, strategies and options to inform senior decision making and input to operational and policy change.
8. Develops operational agreements and key performance outcomes with provincial and national representatives from the culture sector including leading/participating on projects related to the planning and delivery of planning projects. Reviews and analyses business case applications and project proposals to assess their viability and compliance with government objectives and criteria and provides information about guidelines and eligibility criteria for funding programs to clients/stakeholders and other ministry/government partners and cultural organizations.
9. Contributes to the development of Ministry strategic business plans by identifying and analyzing business and economic issues which affect individual elements of Ministry strategic initiatives and which impact on future growth of national and provincial cultural organizations. Provides input into legislation development for new initiatives contained in provincial budgets and MB/Cabinet Submissions.
10. Prepares and presents a range of materials in support of program planning initiatives and issues management including: communications strategies, program development submissions, discussion papers, stakeholder presentations, briefing notes, contentious issue reports, correspondence and Cabinet submissions.
11. The Manager has the right to assign additional duties/responsibilities.
Knowledge :
Job requires knowledge of:
- Program planning, development and evaluation methods, techniques and best practices to lead the planning and evaluation of program initiatives including related standards, guidelines, program criteria, funding formula, plans.
- Program implementation methods to work with branch colleagues in developing and implementing plans for new programs and initiatives.
- Government business plans, broad program, policy, strategic and stewardship directions for provincial organizations, cultural sectors and stakeholders to ensure program initiatives meet the needs of a range of stakeholders.
- Business development methods to provide professional consulting services and expert advice in business development in order to promote and market the growth of cultural organizations in Ontario.
- Operations, structures and issues faced by profit and not for profit arts, library, heritage cultural industries sectors and organizations in Ontario to develop and engage partnerships, manage relationships, assess needs and provide expertise.
- Relevant programs, policies and legislative authorities impacting the various sectors to ensure compliance.
- Branch funding programs and related guidelines to develop related operational agreements and key performance outcomes as well as advise on eligibility criteria.
- Performance measurement methods, techniques and best practices to develop, evaluate and report on performance measures for tracking and reporting of inputs, outputs and outcomes.
- Adult education methods, knowledge mobilization and capacity building techniques to conduct the design, development and implementation of customized and standardized education, training and outreach programs on new initiatives.
- Research and analytical methods and techniques to conduct the review and analysis of formal and informal findings, trends analyses, models, surveys and analysis of business and economic issues.
- Project management methodology and techniques to lead concurrent projects and to manage deadlines and competing priorities.
Skills :
Job requires:
- Analytical skills to assess a range of diverse and competing needs of partners and stakeholders in provincial organizations, cultural industries sectors and stakeholders to plan and evaluate a range of program initiatives and resolve a range of issues.
- Analytical skills to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the sector and optimum business methods to enhance their success.
- Analytical skills to evaluate and report on performance measures and to track inputs, outputs (e.g. goals, services and activities produced), outcomes (actual economic and other impact of programs).
- Research and analytical skills to conduct cross jurisdictional research, trends analysis, surveys, environmental scans.
- Problem solving skills to analyse business and economic issues which affect individual elements of ministry strategic initiatives and impact on future growth of national and provincial cultural organizations and to make recommendations to inform decision making.
- Reviewing and evaluating skills to review and analyze business case applications and project proposals to assess their viability and compliance with government objectives and criteria.
- Oral communication skills, to: provide advice/consultation to partners in business development, engage partners in program development and provide technical and advisory services.
- Business relationships skills to provide ongoing liaison and develop partnerships between the Ministry, national and provincial cultural organizations and other levels of government.
- Negotiation skills to negotiate funding framework agreements with partners/stakeholders.
- Written communications and presentation skills, to: prepare detailed analysis/reports, briefing notes, correspondence, letters, and presentations to organizations to explain how they may take advantage of partnership opportunities with the government; the execution of agreements;
- Planning and organizational skills, to: coordinate various/concurrent projects by identifying priorities within context of overall work plan, developing project plans, identifying resources required, coordinating/scheduling activities, coordinating and monitoring the work of outside contractors, and identifying resources required and coordinating.
Freedom of Action :
Job requires working with the broad framework of ministry/government business plans, program, policy, strategic and stewardship directions impacting a diverse range of provincial organizations, cultural sectors and stakeholders.
Job requires latitude in decision making to lead program planning development, evaluation and implementation of provincial initiatives for the library, heritage, arts and cultural industries sectors and organizations across the Province and working with branch colleagues in roll out and implementation plans.
Job requires providing ongoing liaison to develop partnerships between the Ministry, organizations and other levels of government to engage partners in program development.
Job requires providing professional consulting services and expert advice in business development as a key liaison with senior level representatives in a range of organizations; meeting with clients/prospective clients in the provision of direct advice in order to promote and market the growth of cultural organizations in Ontario.
Job requires independently leading projects and work teams; carrying out ongoing research and analysis, to: recommend changes in Ministry programs/policy and related legislation, developing viable performance measures and evaluating the effectiveness of programs and delivery mechanisms and providing the Director with outcomes.
Job requires ensuring standardization in program delivery by leading knowledge mobilization, education, training and outreach.
Major issues, such as widespread dissatisfaction on the part of partners and stakeholders with government programs or unanticipated developments that change or impede Ministry business plan activities, are discussed with the Manager for joint resolution.