Job Specification

Position Title:
Job Code:
41106 - Resource Tech 4-Conserv Officer
Job ID:

Purpose of Position :

To provide operational enforcement services with respect to natural resources and public safety related acts, regulations and policies. To provide technical advice and guidance on enforcement, resource protection and public safety issues to a variety of internal and external stakeholders, including the public, Aboriginal groups, Ministry staff, and municipal, provincial and federal law enforcement counterparts. To provide customer service and education, promoting natural resource management and public safety to internal and external clients.

Duties / Responsibilities :

Enforcing natural resource management and public safety related legislation (e.g. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Fisheries Act, Criminal Code of Canada, Crown Forest Sustainability Act, Public Lands Act, through the application of broad compliance tools, including patrols of assigned geographic areas, directed enforcement and compliance initiatives, detecting violations and taking appropriate enforcement actions or preventative measures.
Conducting audits/inspections of resource users, licence issuers, and commercial operators (e.g. trappers, aggregates companies). Responding to and identifying violations, reporting on non-compliance, conducting investigations, securing violation scenes and collecting various types of evidence including firearms and DNA samples, arresting and searching violators in potentially high risk situations (e.g. night hunters and/or careless hunters), conducting interviews and taking statements from witnesses and interrogating suspects, laying charges under Provincial and Federal legislation, completing legal documents associated with judicial processes, acting on behalf of the Crown for court prosecutions as required and providing testimony in court.
Leading, organizing and participating in complex and lengthy investigations (e.g. forest fires, careless hunting incidents/fatalities, protected species, commercial fisheries, etc.) which may require lengthy, focussed attention to develop grounds to draft and obtain search warrants or other judicial authorizations, specialized enforcement techniques, (e.g. establishing and maintaining confidential informers, undercover or technical assistance) applying case management procedures regarding investigative planning, allocation of resources, and delivering timely investigative results.
Engaging in partnerships and work collaboratively with community stakeholders and other enforcement agencies (e.g. Indigenous communities, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ontario Provincial Police, Municipal Police, Fisheries and Oceans, U.S. Law Enforcement, Environment Canada Wildlife Enforcement Division) to promote compliance and provide education on resource management goals, and to jointly enforce resource management and public safety legislation.
Creating, inputting and maintaining accurate records of enforcement and violation information and activities in compliance with Ministry standards using computerized Ministry records management systems.
Liaising with MNRF staff participating in and providing input and advice into resource management programs (e.g. commercial fish harvesting, shoreline development, parks, fisheries and wildlife habitat issues, fishing/hunting quotas). Prepare and deliver presentations on the MNRF Enforcement Program, resource use and public safety to diverse client groups to increase understanding and enhance compliance. Audiences may include; naturalists, fish and game clubs, commercial fish industry, aboriginal communities, forest industry, and the public.
Writing media releases for successful court prosecutions and other enforcement and public safety messaging, conducting interviews with media and providing written responses as per policies and procedures.
Coordinating the activities of other officers and staff as assigned Officer in Charge for activities such as blitzes, fish runs, night hunting, road checks and other enforcement initiatives. Providing training and mentorship to fellow officers through the coach officer program. Training new civilian staff including summer students and clerical personnel. Participating in and delivery of training of officers through peer training programs such as Use of Force, wilderness first aid, firearms, marine operations, and Records Management systems instructor courses.
Purchasing supplies and equipment using a purchasing card, vendor of record, or other approved procurement processes (e.g. footwear, gasoline). Maintaining and securing government equipment (e.g. all-terrain vehicles, trucks, vessels, snowmobiles, non-restricted and restricted firearms, ammunition). Responsible for tracking finances and expenditures by using OPS directives and computer-based programs (e.g. IFIS).
Travel extensively within an assigned geographic area, district, or province-wide. Out of province travel as required. Work schedule includes nights, weekends, and holidays. Operate various modes of transportation during patrols (e.g. ATV, snowmobiles and watercraft) and perform patrols or travel utilizing aircraft. Undertake activities in varying environmental factors including inclement weather.
The incumbent shall, while in the workplace, conduct themselves in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any workplace practices as directed by their immediate supervisor. The incumbent shall report any hazards of which they are aware to their immediate supervisor. The incumbent shall utilize/wear as required all personal protective equipment.
Managers have the right to assign additional duties.

Staffing and Licencing :

- Valid Class G driver's licence or equivalent as recognized by the Province of Ontario
- Ability to obtain Standard First Aid certification and CPR
- Ability to obtain a Pleasure Craft Operators Card
- Proof of having passed Ontario's Hunting Licence examination or equivalent from another jurisdiction
- Proof of Canadian Firearms Safety Course certification
- Pass psychological/physical assessments to determine suitability and fitness for the position
- Successful completion of Ontario Police College Basic Constable Training Program or equivalent
- Ability to work shifts, weekends and holidays
- Ability to travel for extended periods of time
- Ability to work in remote and isolated locations
- Appointment as a Conservation Officer is legally required to enforce specific resource management legislation and includes designation as a Peace Officer while actively engaged in exercising authorities as a Conservation Officer.
- Prior to appointment as a Conservation Officer, applicants will be required to undergo:
- Psychological and physical assessments to determine suitability and fitness for the position
- Security clearance to the level appropriate to the position.
This position requires the following employment security screening:
Fingerprint Based Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check
Credit Check
Local Police Check Occurrence Information Check
Annual Check to include Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC)

Knowledge :

Knowledge and understanding of enforcement provisions of natural resources management and other mandated legislation, regulations, and policies (e.g. Fisheries Act, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Crown Forest Sustainability Act, Public Lands Act and Provincial Offences Act).

Knowledge of Indigenous cultural practices as they relate to resource use and harvesting and traditional law, related case law, policies, procedures, guidelines and processes as outlined by the Ministry.

Knowledge of MNRF resource management programs, in order to provide advice and information to the public and special interest groups; conduct audits and investigations and ensure compliance (e.g. firearms and ammunition allowed for hunting, nets allowed for sport and commercial fishing, types of nets and net sets used in the commercial fish industry, harvesting seasons, fisheries zones, wildlife management units, and limits on hunting/fishing of different species). Knowledge of invasive species, pertinent legislation and methods to prevent or control importation, transportation, and propagation.

Knowledge of case law, lawful searches, seizures, inspections, arrests, completing and maintaining notes, investigative detention, investigation methods and rules of evidence (Ontario Evidence Act and Canada Evidence Act), court procedures and forensic evidence collection techniques, sampling, examination and analysis through allied agencies (Ontario Centre for Forensic Sciences, other DNA laboratories) in order to conduct investigations, preparing related legal documents, laying charges, provide sworn testimony in court (e.g. species identification), and successfully prosecute violators. Knowledge of the Provincial Offences Act as it applies to laying of information, issuing summons, offence notices, drafting court orders and probation orders, expiration of limitation period, young persons, and search warrants.

Knowledge of computer software (e.g. Law Enforcement Records Management Systems, TIPS, ENFOR, CPIC, MTO Database, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, mapping programs such as ArcGIS), to enter and extract data.

Knowledge of safe operation/use of sport and commercial fishing equipment (e.g. firearms, archery equipment, fisheries nets) including the maintenance of equipment (e.g. ATVs, snowmobiles, small or large vessels, net pullers, etc.) in order to safely handle, inspect and advise on regulations governing use to groups, (e.g. fish and game clubs, commercial fishermen).

Knowledge of fish filleting and processing, field dressing/big game animal processing and use of safety gear, processing equipment, work area hazard identification, knives, lifting and transporting techniques, first aid and food donation policies.

Knowledge of the Ontario Use of Force Model and case law pertaining to use of force. Ability to use defensive weapons (e.g. sidearms, shotguns, batons, oleoresin capsicum aerosol spray), tactical communication, restraint techniques to restrain an individual as necessary, and identify situations requiring proper use of force options (e.g. tactical communication, open hand techniques, and/or legal force) to carry out enforcement responsibilities.

Knowledge of resource management practices such as identification of species (e.g. ungulates, reptiles, mammals, fish) and habitat requirements, fish and wildlife inventory techniques, and commercial harvesting, to provide information through outreach programs to the public and interest groups, and provide input into resource management programs (e.g. commercial fishing/hunting quotas, licence conditions).

Knowledge of the Criminal Code of Canada and Charter of Rights and Freedoms to carry out peace officer responsibilities.

Job requires knowledge of wilderness survival skills to work safely alone in remote areas (e.g. orienteering, navigation and first aid).

Knowledge of audit and inspection processes and procedures to conduct audits and inspections of clients to ensure compliance, such as commercial fishermen, licence issuers, commercial bait-fish establishments, commercial fur harvesters and dealers, big game outfitters and industrial resource extractors (e.g. timber harvest and pits and quarry extractions).

Knowledge of worker responsibilities as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Knowledge of standards of professionalism and ethics in law enforcement to perform duties in professional and ethical manner (e.g. Regulator's Code of Practice).

Skills :

Demonstrated physical and psychological suitability through required testing.

Ability to obtain certification in firearms and in defensive tactics which is subject to annual recertification (e.g. use of sidearm, long-guns, batons, oleoresin capsicum aerosol spray and empty hand self defense and restraint techniques).

Ability to remain current with respect to relevant legislation, policies, and law enforcement best practice.

If operating in a large marine environment, ability to obtain the following certifications/qualifications:
- Marine Emergency Duties A3 (MED A3)
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)
- Master Limited up to fifteen (15) gross tonnage for the purpose of Law Enforcement
- Restricted Radio Operator Certificate and Marine Qualification

Skills and abilities to successfully complete the Canadian Safety Council (CSC) Snowmobile Operators Course and the ATV/UTV Rider Course, and the Ontario Recreational Canoeing and Kayaking Association Basic Canoeing Level.

Analytical skills to gather information and evidence by inspecting sites, interviewing witnesses or potential violators, consolidating and assessing information in relation to legislation/regulations and case law, identifying nature of violation or non-compliance and determining appropriate follow-up, (e.g. laying charges, issuing warnings, advising on regulatory requirements); to present evidence in court including reviewing and referring to case law, and in conducting audits of commercial operators and advising on procedures and standards required to ensure compliance.

Oral and written communication skills to provide information and advice on provincial natural resources management programs, legislation, policies, and guidelines to public, user groups and other enforcement agencies, through patrol contacts, meetings and presentations at fairs, shows, conferences and schools; to conduct interviews to gather evidence and to provide accurate and concise testimony in court on evidence collected and observations made during course of investigation; and to complete legal documents, assist with Crown briefs, prepare occurrence reports, and letters in response to requests for information on various programs.

Interpersonal and negotiating skills to reach a peaceful solution in volatile situations (e.g. arrest and seizing of evidence).

Interpersonal skills to cultivate relationships with confidential informants for eliciting tips and resources violation information.

Interpersonal skills to promote education, acceptance, understanding and compliance with natural resources management programs and policies, when dealing with violators of related legislation/regulations, and when presenting information at trade shows, fairs and to various groups (e.g. fish and game clubs, Ontario Commercial Fisheries Association, Aboriginal Communities and multi-cultural groups).

Planning, time management and organizational skills to efficiently manage activities and time to conduct audits/inspection of recreational resource users and commercial operators; to conduct investigations of complaints or potential violations within specific time frames; to follow up by preparing related reports, legal documents, attending court, and to coordinate the activities of other officers, deputy conservation officers and/or staff who are carrying out investigations of potential violations which require a group effort (e.g. activities such as night hunting, fish runs, road checks).

Freedom of Action :

Work within OPS policies, directives and procedures, including those outlined in ministry enforcement policies and procedures manuals, and legislation/regulations governing natural resources management, (e.g. Fisheries Act, Fish Inspection Act, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Crown Forest Sustainability Act, Criminal Code of Canada and Provincial Offences Act).

Works independently and as part of a team within an assigned geographic area of the province. Exercise discretion, initiative, and negotiation skills in dealing with difficult or contentious persons or situations. Conflict management, judgement, tact and diplomacy in performing duties alone i frequently isolated locales and interactions with the public, alleged violators, and potentially volatile situations. Utilize proper judgement and decision-making skills to mitigate political implications and violations of clientele's rights that negatively impact on the administration of justice which could result in a negative impact to the ministry.

Making decisions in locations away from direct manager oversight or ability to contact, in remote/isolated locations to determine what enforcement response is required when dealing with violations of legislation (e.g. laying charges, issuing warnings, issuing orders, making seizures, conducting searches and inspections) and determining whether to arrest, use physical intervention or lethal force.

Identify instances of non-compliance when conducting patrols, regular audits/checks of natural resource users and commercial operators and determining appropriate follow-up, (e.g. whether to provide advice on proper procedures, issue warnings, revocation of licences).

Detail-oriented and computer software skills to independently and accurately create records of activities and reports in areas such a: officer activities, charges laid, location of violations, and contacts made.

Working conditions include inherent risk in and potentially dangerous interactions with the public and alleged violators both criminal and non-criminal. Work conditions may include high risk activities and situations, where issues of safety are present. As well, incumbents are expected to work shifts including nights, weekends, and holidays in all weather conditions in all geographic regions. Travel away from home is a frequent requirement.

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