Job Specification

Position Title:
Psychologist - 3 positions
Job Code:
I1112H - Social Services120
Job ID:

Purpose :

To plan, implement and manage the provision of professional psychological and consultancy programs and clinical services in the Ontario Provincial Police.

To contribute to the establishment of facility psychological policies, practices and procedures.

Key Responsibilities :

1. Designs, develops and implements a complete program of psychological services unique to policing needs. Reviews and evaluates programs and standards to ensure goals are achieved and relevance is maintained. Provides leadership, strategic planning expertise and authoritative advisory and consultation services to senior management.

2. Leads the development and implementation of program performance measures, benchmarking and quality assurance standards to evaluate psychological standards and programs. Oversees trend analyses and translation of outcomes to support the requisite planning and decision-making activities of senior management and executives relating to psychological evaluation

3. Provides clinical services to members of all classes and makes referral to external services as appropriate. Ensures a streamlined approach is utilized and coordinates services between service providers for effective service delivery.

4. Responds to members in crisis by providing psychological counselling and therapy, both individual and group for OPP staff and management. Responds to severe critical incidents such as on-duty deaths or life-threatening situations through meeting with involved members and their families for intervention. Acts as a liaison for referrals to external supports.

5. Conducts mandatory Safeguard assessments and monitoring sessions for members in high-risk positions.

6. Provides consultation and coordination of psychological services for OPP members in such areas as crisis intervention, assessment, and behaviour management.

7. Develops, implements, and delivers educational initiatives designed to reduce stigma regarding psychological help-seeking and enhance the resilience and coping abilities of members.

8. Coordinates treatment and treatment evaluation projects and conducts research to evaluate OPP programs.

Qualifications :

Requires registration as a Psychologist in Ontario.

Valid Class “G” Driver License.

Factors :

Knowledge :

Theory and practices of psychology, current policing practices, culture, and theories to design, organize and develop research and evaluation relating to psychological testing and programs to manage and coordinate the activities of staff.

Relevant legislative authorities and OPS policies, directives and guidelines to interpret and apply legislation/policies/directives to the management of program staff. Relevant legislation to ensure compliance in the provision of programs, services and interventions.

Police work and culture including administration of police services and understanding of critical incident stress response models to collaborate and contribute to complementary programs to maintain psychological health and wellness within the OPP.

Psychological research methods and procedures for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of staff members.

Scientific and professional literature regarding current issues, best practices and evidence-based care and evolving policing challenges and strategies.

Program Responsibility :

Responsible for designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating psychological programs for the OPP and assessing, evaluating and improving upon program design taking into consideration policing culture, availability of resources, changing needs, etc.

Responsible for supervising a multi-disciplinary team in the provision of psychological services and ensure effective case management procedures are administered.

Responsible for contributing to the establishment of psychological policies, practices and procedures within its program.

Responsible for maintaining quality of psychological testing services by monitoring trends and developments that have critical program/service delivery, policy and planning implications and formulates recommendations for improvement.

Responsible for ensuring adherence to relevant Ministry legislation, policies and procedures.

Analytical Thinking :

Assesses and evaluates individual cases, studying histories and clinical reports to determine the needs of civilian and uniform staff in the OPP.

Evaluates OPP staff's behaviour and provides consultative services, determining treatment, behavioural and risk management.

Evaluates the need for psychological interventions, crisis management, and the risk for suicide while monitoring staff behaviours.

Evaluates programs, services, procedures and policies, and develops new ways to improve treatment.

Identifies trends and developments that have critical program/service delivery, policy and planning implications and develops recommendations.

Assesses risks and makes sound determinations surrounding continued psychological testing services and special service needs.

Identifies opportunities for and recommends improvements to processes, procedures and practices to maximize service delivery.

Planning / Coordinating :

Plans and administers psychology program operations; estimates and recommends financial, material and human resources needs, coordinates operations with other areas of the OPP, develops work plans to meet program objectives, and provides input to divisional results based and strategic planning processes.

Plans, develops, implements, and coordinates in-service education and health service programs and coordinates physical, human, fiscal and material resources in the provision of effective psychological services to uniform and civilian staff.

Plans and coordinates psychological services with case management and treatment programs.

Coordinates the work of an interdisciplinary professional team and psychological services and treatment of OPP staff members.

Coordinates treatment and treatment evaluation projects to ensure professional standards are maintained and conducts research to evaluate OPP programs.

Leadership/Guidance :

Provides expert advice and guidance to managers regarding psychological services. Provides guidance to case managers and possibly other supports, including social workers and mental health staff.

Independence of Action :

Work is performed independently under the broad direction of the management team and works within relevant legislation, OPP and Ministry policies, standards and guidelines as well as the standards and guidelines of the College of Psychologists.

Decisions made and responsibilities undertaken are limited by written guidelines contained in provincial government legislation and statutes, and standards of the College of Psychologists of Ontario.

Exercises considerable independence and judgment in the establishment of psychological programs consistent with written guidelines; reviews, assesses, and makes authoritative recommendations for the suitability of uniform and civilian staff to return to their position in the OPP after an incident.

Exercises considerable independence and judgment in handling requests from other agencies for confidential client psychological information, and assessing quality of staff reports released, in accordance with established professional standards and ethics.

Provides authoritative advice in the development of program delivery strategies (such as the suicide prevention strategy).

Independence of action is exercised in establishing evaluative criteria for assessing effectiveness of counseling services provided and identifying changes.

Interpersonal/Communication :

Expresses specialized technical terminology and complex findings and ideas in clear terms when communicating with OPP senior management and executives.

Discusses treatment matters with Provincial Psychology Advisory Committees when reviewing effectiveness of policies, programs, and treatment services; discusses policies and treatment of clients, referrals and programs with mental health professionals of other ministries, hospital administrators and staff.

Establishes collaborative linkages with external psychology services providers to maintain currency with best practices, promote clinical internships, and facilitate research.

Communicates with professional and administrative personnel to discuss program planning and staff concerns and to resolve issues. Conducts psychological testing related interviews.

Liaises with professional associations to research professional standards, trends and developments.

Participates on relevant work committees for the purposes of sharing information and knowledge with staff in other disciplines.

Physical Effort :

The majority of time is spent in an office environment with frequent opportunity to move about between office, OPP locations, and consultation area. Occasionally, moves/lifts light objects such as case files and briefing materials.

Sensory Effort :

Requires intense concentration, observation and focused listening when conducting consultations and clinical services, monitoring changes in behavior and ensuring the safety of uniform and civilian staff members.

Working Conditions :

Work is conducted across various OPP locations in the province, with an on-call/after-hours schedule. Requires regular travel and working under stress during interventions and emergency situations.

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